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    Cleaning of ceramic membrane equipment. Time:2018.01.30
    The following is the specific cleaning process of ceramic membrane device:
    Pure water cleaning
    Flush the equipment to the system with pure water.
    Alkaline cleaning
    Using pure water as 1% to 3%, the temperature of 60-70 ℃ of NaOH aqueous solution, cleaning about 50 minutes. Rinse with pure water to neutral.
    Acid cleaning
    Using pure water as 1%, citric acid aqueous solution for 30 to 40 ℃, temperature cleaning about 50 minutes. Rinse with pure water to neutral.
    For the first time, the film should be recycled. The method is:
    Alkaline cleaning:
    With temperature is about 60-70 ℃, the concentration of 1% NaOH solution cleaning, time for about 30 minutes with deionized water rinse to neutral;
    With temperature is about 30 to 40 ℃, the concentration of 1% lemon acid solution to clean, time for about 30 minutes with deionized water rinse to neutral.

    Prev: 上一篇:Characteristics of ceramic membrane experiment equipment. Next: 下一篇:Maintenance of ceramic membrane device.
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